
Monthly inflation hits record high at 41.90pc

Monthly inflation hits record high at 41.90pc

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Inflation has broken all the previous records as 25 essential items’ prices increased further during the week, pushing up the overall rate of inflation to 41.90 percent.

According to the report issued by the Pakistan Bureau Statistic, a rise of 9.95 percent was recorded in the recent week, moving the overall inflation rate to total 41.9 percent.

Natural gas prices rose by 480 percent, increasing the gas prices from Rs295 per MBBTU to Rs1,711 MBBTU.

The prices of 190-gram of tea pack increased by Rs49.94, lentils of masoor by Rs16.36 per kg and chicken by Rs14 per kg.

A 20-kg flour bag was sold expensive by Rs72.55. On the whole 25 essential items prices spiked, 13 decreased and 13 remained stable.  

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