
Jupiter looks ethereal in new Hubble Telescope images

The Sun and Earth align perfectly with Jupiter

(Web Desk) - The image was released as the planet enters opposition, which is when the Sun and Earth align perfectly with Jupiter

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has captured new images of Jupiter, revealing a stunning ultraviolet image of the gas planet.

The images were released as the planet enters opposition, which is when the Sun and Earth align perfectly with Jupiter.

One of the most notable features in the new image is Jupiter’s “Great Red Spot,” a large and persistent anticyclone storm that marks the planet’s surface.

Unlike regular photos of the Great Red Spot which show it as a bright orange color, in the ultraviolet shot, the storm is much darker.

The colors correspond to how high altitude haze particles absorb light at these wavelengths, NASA explained in a blog post.

The new image combines observations made with three filters of ultraviolet wavelengths.

This approach is part of a new endeavor to inspect Jupiter’s superstorm system.

“Hubble’s ultraviolet-observing capabilities allow astronomers to study the short, high-energy wavelengths of light beyond what the human eye can see,” NASA said in the post.

“Ultraviolet light reveals fascinating cosmic phenomena, including light from the hottest and youngest stars embedded in local galaxies; the composition, densities, and temperatures of the material between stars; and the evolution of galaxies.”  

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