
Gas supply much better than in 2022: German regulator

Gas supply much better than in 2022: German regulator

FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Germany's gas supply is much better than it was a year ago, the country's energy regulator said on Thursday, still refraining from giving the all-clear as there is limited visibility on how harsh winter temperatures are going to be.

"The situation at the beginning of the heating season is much better than last year. The gas storage facilities are well filled and imports and savings are stable," Klaus Mueller, president of the German network agency, said.

German gas caverns are currently 99.56% full, according to the most recent statistics.

"However, it is too early for a complete all-clear. A very cold winter would cause gas consumption to rise sharply. If the remaining Russian gas supplies to south-eastern Europe were to stop, these states would have to be supplied via Germany in a shortage situation," Mueller said.

Mueller reiterated pleas to consumers and industry to be mindful of energy use, adding savings made during the last winter season, which was the first without Russian gas supplies via Nord Stream, had been remarkable.

Mueller said savings made between October 2022 and September had reduced the annual costs for an average household by around 440 euros ($467). 

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