
Kashmiris in UK voice anguish through electronic screens

Trucks carrying screens inscribed with pro-Kashmir slogans seen in London

LONDON (Haseeb Arslan) - Kashmiris in London observed the Jammu and Kashmir Black Day to commemorate a sombre milestone in the history of the region in a unique way. 

On this day in 1947, India forcibly occupied Jammu and Kashmir by landing its army in Srinagar against the will and wishes of the Kashmiri people. 

A campaign was run on electronic screens on trucks in central London, including important landmarks near parliament and other significant areas.

The campaign emphasised the urgent need for international action to end draconian laws and human rights abuses in the India Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

People expressed solidarity with the Kashmiris, highlighting concerns about the humanitarian crisis. 

They called on the UK government to protect Kashmiris’ rights, vowed to continue addressing human rights violations in UK's parliament and urged India to grant access to human rights organisations.


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