
Putin says suggestions of US war against both Russia and China are nonsense

The Kremlin chief said thoughts of a war between nuclear powers were unhealthy

MOSCOW (Reuters) – President Vladimir Putin on Sunday rejected the Western suggestion that the United States prepare for a simultaneous war with Russia and China, saying only sick people would consider a war between the top nuclear powers.

A bipartisan panel appointed by the US Congress said on Thursday that Washington must prepare for possible simultaneous wars with Moscow and Beijing by expanding its conventional forces, strengthening alliances and enhancing its nuclear weapons modernization programme.

Putin, who is to visit China this week, said major powers prepared for war but as an attempt to ensure peace, adding that it was the United States which was seeking to build a military alliance against China.

The Kremlin chief said thoughts of a war between nuclear powers were unhealthy.

"I don't think these are healthy thoughts in the minds of healthy people, because to say that the United States is preparing for war with Russia, well we are all preparing for war because we follow the ancient principle: if you want peace, get ready for war," he said.

"But we want peace," Putin said with a chuckle. "Moreover, to fight with both Russia and China, it is nonsense - I don't think it is serious. I think they are just scaring each other."

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