Dr Qadeer deserves more than homage two years hence

Last updated on: 10 October,2023 12:58 pm

He was awarded twice Nishan-e-Pakistan in recognition of his valuable services

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - The nation pays tribute to national hero and nuclear scientist Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan on his second death anniversary on Tuesday. 

Born on April 1, 1936 in Bhopal, India, he was known as ‘Mohsin-e-Pakistan’ for rendering his tireless services for the country. 

Dr Khan migrated to Pakistan with his family in 1947 after partition of the subcontinent. He did a science degree at Karachi University in 1960 and went to study metallurgical engineering in Berlin. He completed his advanced studies from the Netherlands and Belgium. 

After learning of India's nuclear test in 1974, Dr Qadeer joined the nation's efforts to develop nuclear power. 

He made Pakistan's defence invincible by making us the first nuclear power of the Muslim world and seventh nuclear power in the world.

He was awarded twice Nishan-e-Pakistan in recognition of his valuable services. He passed away on Oct 10, 2021 in Islamabad.

Dr Qadeer was given a state funeral at Islamabad’s Faisal Mosque. 

The late scientist was the pride of Pakistan and cliches and superlatives can hardly do justice to him. On his death anniversary, his services should be highlighted for the posterity as mere homage is not enough.