CJP Isa meets lawyers today for better delivery of justice

Last updated on: 20 September,2023 03:10 pm

Creates WhatsApp group to deal with administrative matters quickly

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - Supreme Court of Pakistan Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa has called an important meeting on Wednesday (today) to discuss judicial matters. 

CJP Isa has also created a WhatsApp group to deal with administrative matters quickly. Justice Isa's second day (Tuesday) as the CJP was quite hectic. He presided over a three-member bench and heard 15 cases.

The meeting is expected to be held at 3pm today. Lawyers' organisations have also been invited to participate in the meeting. 

According to sources, suggestions of the lawyers' organisations will be sought in the meeting regarding bringing improvement to dispense justice. The lawyers will give suggestions on formation of benches and the fixing for hearing cases of urgent nature. 

Meanwhile, Chief Justice Isa will meet representatives of the Pakistan Bar Council and the Supreme Court Bar Association to deliberate on how to clear the backlog of thousands of cases pending with the top court. 

PBC Vice Chairman Haroon Rashid confirmed that CJP Isa had convened a meeting on Wednesday (today) to deliberate upon issues related to dispensation of justice.

Sources said the agenda of the meeting included discussion on formation of benches, pending cases, speedy administration of justice and fixation and hearing of cases.

Apart from that, proposals for early hearing of cases having urgent nature had also been sought. At present, 57,000 cases are pending with the Supreme Court.

The judiciary has been under criticism for a huge backlog of cases the number of which has reached nearly two million in superior and lower courts. 

PBC Vice Chairman Rashid said the apex court could clear the backlog by constituting more benches. He said at present there were two or three regular benches to hear the cases.