The saga of the i in iPhone

Last updated on: 29 August,2023 02:44 pm

The device fascinated people across the globe

(Web Desk) – You will be happy if we reveal that what is the journey of iPhone icon of “i” and why it was coined.

One will surely accept that Apple products brought revolution in the field of tech and it has become a status- symbol.

Countless people globally are using the Apple products but majority of them don’t know the mystery behind the lowercase “i” in iPhone.

Can you guess, does it stand for “internet,” “innovation,” or something else?

Without waiting let’s start to explore its mysterious history and try to know that why lowercase “i” was coined.

The visionary leader and co-founder of the Apple, Steve Jobs, introduced a device combining a phone, an iPod, and an internet communication device, all in one. The device fascinated people across the globe.

Majority of the people assumed that the “i” stood for “internet,” it goes beyond that. When the iPhone was launched, Jobs also highlighted the meaning of lowercase “i” and mentioned that the “i” stood for multiple dimensions, including “internet,” “individual,” “instruct,” and “inform.”

As we revealed the meanings of the lowercase “i” now it’s your duty to explore all of the words one by one.