People are only just learning what RSVP actually means and most don't get it

Last updated on: 30 December,2022 12:46 pm

For years, many people have wrongly assumed.

WASHINGTON (Web Desk) - If you ve ever sent out a letter of invitation for a wedding or a large party, you ll know how important it is for your guests to respond and let you know they re coming. The number of guests helps you to determine how much food you have to order, how many seats you need and what familiar faces to expect at the door.

But what does the term  RSVP  actually mean? For years, many people have wrongly assumed it s an acronym for  respond soon via post , when it couldn t be further off the mark. One TikTok account has answered the widely-unknown question and it s sending users into a frenzy online.

The page @artnaturals posed the question  what does RSVP stand for?  to people in its office, and many members of staff struggled to get past  R .

"Respond very promptly," one TikTok user commented, while another guessed: "Reservation for very important person."

Others assumed "respond soon for party", "respond soon via phone" and "reserve soon very promptly."

"Reserve special vehicle parking please," another random comment suggested.

Though some people knew the correct answer and explained that RSVP is actually French for  répondez s il vous plaît  - which translates to "please reply".

The acronym isn t complicated after all, and just means the host of the party is asking you to respond.

But because it s in French, lots of people tend to get confused - we all just need to brush up on our language skills.

RSVP isn t the only shortened term that s enlightening Brits - people s minds are blown after discovering the difference between Christmas and Xmas. It turns out Xmas "represents the Greek letter chi the initial letter in the word ΧριστÏ