South Africa marks holidays despite nationwide power cuts

Last updated on: 24 December,2022 01:40 pm

Most South African households now have a ready supply of solar lights.

JOHANNESBURG (AP) - Christmas lights twinkle, holiday music plays and Johannesburg’s popular Rosebank mall bustles with shoppers.

Then the lights go out. The shops are pitch dark. “Hold on to your wallets,” calls out a customer to rueful chuckles.

A long minute later the distant hum of a generator can be heard. The lights and music flicker back on and clerks resume ringing up purchases.

South Africa’s Christmas 2022 is a start/stop affair, with the country’s nationwide power cuts hitting just about every aspect of the holiday. Businesses and families are coping with rolling outages of electricity totaling seven to 10 hours per day.

The chugging of diesel generators can be heard at stores and restaurants from posh areas to townships. Patrons know to walk far around them to avoid the noxious fumes.

The festive calendar of celebrations with family and friends is now a meticulous dance around the daily schedule of power cuts. Holiday baking and video streaming are planned for when there will be power.

Most South African households now have a ready supply of solar lights, kerosene lamps and candles to keep from being in total darkness.

South Africa’s state utility, Eskom, has battled to meet the demand for electricity in the continent’s most industrialized economy for more than 10 years but the problem has become acute this year. A major problem is that the power company relies on an array of older coal-fired power plants that experience frequent breakdowns. Adding to the woes is a shortage of skilled technicians and corruption.