BBL, WBBL to finally have DRS

Last updated on: 30 September,2022 03:45 pm
BBL, WBBL to finally have DRS.
MELBOURNE (ONLINE) - Australia’s domestic cricket league Big Bash League (BBL) and its women’s version will finally have the Decision Review System (DRS), cricket website Cricinfo reported Thursday.
Cricket Australia announced a raft of changes to the BBL and WBBL competitions on Thursday with an innings clock also to be introduced for the BBL only. The teams will need to bowl their 20 overs inside 79 minutes, minus some allowances, or else incur a penalty of only having four fielders outside the circle for the remainder of the innings.
The BBL had long hoped to have DRS in the competition to bring it in line with the major T20 leagues around the world. But an attempt to introduce it last season was scuppered by the Covid-19 pandemic, with constant state border closures and scheduling changes preventing the necessary ball-tracking technology from being installed at the various venues around Australia.
Under the DRS rules, the teams will be given one unsuccessful review per innings and 15 seconds to review any decision. Reviews will be retained for a decision that remains "Umpire’s call".