Unplug these household appliances to reduce your electric bill

Last updated on: 01 June,2022 08:29 pm

Unplug these household appliances to reduce your electric bill

(Reuters) - If you’re trying to save money then unplugging these household appliances may help to reduce your electric bill.

Unplug any televisions in your home that are not used regularly. The average tv uses anywhere from 2-54 watts and can cost up to $54 a year in electricity.

Although your computer doesn’t use up a lot of power, if left on all the time it can be costly. It’s best to plug your computer, printer, monitor and speakers into one power strip that you can then plug out when not in use.

You should never have a cellphone charger plugged in when not in use, as this is not only a waste of power but also a fire hazard.

When it comes to bills, air conditioning is a major contributor. The average air-con unit uses around 3,8000 watts and it costs around $0.46 per hour to run.

Tumble dryers also use a lot of electricity, the average dryer uses 2,790 watts. To reduce your bills only use the dryer for full loads of clothing.

The average dishwasher uses around 330 watts, similar to tumble dryers, it’s best to only use your dishwasher when it’s full.