BMW's new iX Flow, a car with color changing feature

Last updated on: 06 January,2022 10:03 pm

iX Flow stole the show with its game changing feature.

(Web Desk): At the annual Consumer Electronics Show trade fair BMW showed off the first glimpse of their new project called the iX Flow.

A German auto maker demonstrated the exclusive feature as the car instantly changed its color from dark grey to bight white, leaving the audience mesmerized by the car’s exceptional attribute.

The technological mystery lies in the paint called E Ink that holds the ability of color alteration. E Ink is a prototype with some developments yet to be made.

The whole idea goes by only using electricity when changing color as the system is energy sufficient. The color changing alteration works with the two pigments holding opposite charges, while the white pigment is charged negatively and the grey pigment is charged positively. With the button it generates an electrical signal through out, as a result the car changes color as one of the two pigments rise to the surface making it look either while or grey.

— Out of Spec Studios (@Out_of_Spec) January 4, 2022

Christoph Grote, senior vice president for digital car at BMW Group while emitting sheer excitement for the new project stated that, “When are we going to launch it? At this stage, I think we’d like to see your reaction. Would you want to buy it?”

iX Flow stole the show with its game changing feature, which is said to be a part the bigger project that marks offering paid customization options for the customers while generating new revenue.