KP has shown mirror to change bearers in LG polls: Fazlur Rehman

Last updated on: 23 December,2021 12:08 am

KP has shown mirror to change bearers in LG polls Fazlur Rehman

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam - Fazl (JUI-F) Chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman on Wednesday said that public of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) has shown mirror to change bearers in local government polls.

While addressing the conference, Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) Chief said that PTI led government has seen the preference of KP’s public. He added that the country is in need of peace and economic stability while PTI government wants to bring immorality to the society. He mentioned that JUI – F stands against violence.

Fazlur Rehman said that the government does not want to promote Islamic teachings, it rather is working to establish schools and colleges.

He went on to add that a US-led delegate came to meet his party and mentioned that they aim to bring peace in Afghanistan with no human rights violation.