Uzbekistan, Pakistan discuss progress on bilateral trade, PTA

Last updated on: 09 March,2021 05:07 pm

both sides also agreed to hold a business conference at Tashkent in July, 2021.

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Uzbekistan and Pakistan has discussed the progress made on bilateral transit trade agreement, preferential trade agreement (PTA), and aviation, customs cooperation, banking and visa issues.

Adviser to the Prime Minister on Commerce and Investment Abdul Razak Dawood and Uzbek Deputy Prime Minister Sardor Umurzakov, in a video call, also expressed the desire to cooperate with each other for implementation of the decisions made during the adviser s visit to Tashkent in February as per the agreed time lines, a press release said here on Tuesday.

In order to further deepen the trade ties, both sides also agreed to hold a business conference at Tashkent in July, 2021.

The Uzbek Deputy PM informed about the visit of Uzbek delegation to Pakistan on March 12 for talks on enhancing progress on the above matters.

Adviser Razzak Dawood welcomed the incoming Uzbek delegation and offered cooperation for holding meetings with different stakeholders, including customs, maritime affairs, railways and aviation sectors.

The two sides resolved to implement decisions made during the meetings held at Tashkent in Feburary, 2021 in letter and spirit.