Two men seen playing chess in frozen lake

Last updated on: 29 December,2020 08:17 pm

Canadians Ron Batuigas and Nick McNaught were looking for distraction from the cold.

(Web Desk) - Two Canadians played chess in a frozen lake on Wednesday, Reuters reported, and a time-lapse video of their cold war went viral.

Ron Batuigas and Nick McNaught were planning a dip in Ontario’s icy Oak Lake and figured chess could distract them for a while.

McNaught described the duration and temperature on Instagram as “5 mins at -20 degrees Celsius.”

A commenter asked McNaught, from Toronto, if he noticed any physical and mental changes after his immersion.

“Definitely,” he answered. “Less inflammation and aches. Mood has been [way] up. Keeping really lean. Sleep has been good even when only getting a little. My body is adapting and improving to the cold every dip too.” Some engage in cold-water swimming for purported health benefits; however, doctors caution that the practice comes with the risk of hypothermia and other issues.