FPCCI appreciates SBP for waiver of E-form requirement up to US $5000

Last updated on: 18 December,2020 08:46 pm

The FPCCI always recommends govt for business friendly policies for small traders and enterprises

KARACHI (Dunya News) – Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry” (FPCCI) President Mian Anjum Nisar and Vice President Shaikh Sultan Rehman lauded the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) for the waiver of the E-form requirement for up to the US $5000 per consignment for small industries.

He said that this move will facilitate the small exporters, especially women business entrepreneurs, and will tremendously boost the exchequer.

The central bank has exempted exports from the E-form requirement for up to the US $5000 per consignment in order to boost exports in the changing situation of global consumer markets due to the Covid-19 epidemic crisis. The SBP has issued a detailed regulatory framework to facilitate Business-to-Consumer (B2C) E-Commerce exports from Pakistan.

They further said that this exemption will facilitate the exporters for sending goods directly to consumers market and will encourage many others who were not able to face the documentations complications.

The FPCCI always recommends the government for business friendly policies for the small traders and enterprises. FPCCI appreciates the government and the SBP for addressing the concerns and considered the recommendations of FPCCI in this regard.

The FPCCI welcomes the SBP statement in the perspective of global lockdown for Covid-19 pandemic, that consumer market place has now shifted from traditional market place to E-commerce.

Pakistan needs to adopt the modern business dynamics of E-commerce. In line with these trends, the SBP focused on facilitating cross border trade for B2C exports from Pakistan.

The SBP collaboration with the relevant stakeholders including the Business Community, Pakistan Customs, Ministry of Commerce, Courier Companies, and Banking Industry in a bid to develop a regulatory framework was also appreciated which will not only address the market needs but also take into account regulatory objectives.