Pakistan committed to make efforts in containing COVID-19: Dr Faisal

Last updated on: 19 November,2020 05:06 pm

He stressed the need for a more effective response to the pandemic.

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Special Assistant to Prime Minister on National Health Services Dr. Faisal Sultan says Pakistan is committed to make every possible effort in containing Coronavirus pandemic, despite the challenges.

Addressing a virtual press briefing of Ministers of Health of the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region on Thursday, he thanked Dr Al-Mandhari Regional Director WHO-EMRO for the opportunity to express his views.

Dr Faisal Sultan said Pakistan is a country affected not just by COVID-19, but its population is exposed to natural disasters and other emergencies.

The Special Assistant said the people of Pakistan are also battling polio, and our decade long efforts to eradicate this disease have now being impacted by COVID-19, as polio staff and resources are diverted to the pandemic response.

He stressed the need for a more effective response to the pandemic.