India killed over four hundred thousand in IIOJK in 73 years

Last updated on: 27 October,2020 10:03 am

India killed over four hundred thousand in IIOJK in 73 years

SRINAGAR (Web Desk): In Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, Indian forces killed over four hundred thousand Kashmiris including more than 250,000 in Jammu as the occupied territory completed 73 years of invasion by Indian Army on this day in 1947. A report released by Kashmir Media Service on 27th of October, today, which is being observed as Black Day in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, Azad Kashmir and wherever Kashmiris live in the world said that more than 3.5 million Kashmiris were forced to migrate to Azad Kashmir, Pakistan and other parts of the world since October 27, 1947. The report while citing that the Kashmir conflict began in 1846 with the illegal, immoral and inhumane sale of the historic state of Jammu and Kashmir to a non-Kashmiri Dogra family for services rendered to the British Raj said the Princely State obtained independence on August 15, 1947, when British Raj lapsed. As per Kashmiri scholar Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai, “At that moment, under international law as understood by Indian National Congress, the Muslim League and Great Britain, sovereignty in Kashmir devolved on its peoples, not its autocratic Maharaja. Indeed, Kashmir was beset by wholesale domestic revolt against the Maharaja when independence arrived, and widened in the initial months thereafter.” On seeing that the Maharaja had lost its rule to the mujahideen, the report added, India on October 27, 1947, landed its troops in Jammu and Kashmir and forcibly occupied it against the wishes of the Kashmiri people. This is how the unending chapter of the sufferings of Kashmiri people started since the 27th of October, 1947, and that is why the day is marked as Black Day by the people of Jammu and Kashmir, every year.