Meaningful engagement impossible until India normalizes situation in Kashmir: FO

Last updated on: 15 October,2020 05:00 pm

Meaningful engagement impossible until India normalizes situation in Kashmir: FO

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - Foreign Office Spokesperson Zahid Hafeez Chaudhry has said no meaningful engagement is possible with India unless it creates enabling environment for the purpose.

During his weekly press briefing in Islamabad today, he also made it clear that no dialogue or engagement with India is possible without ensuring active association of Kashmiris in the dialogue process.

The Spokesperson said Pakistan’s re-election to UN Human Rights Council is recognition by the international community of our contribution to the national and global human rights agenda and strong credentials as a consensus builder in the Council.

He urged the world community to work for peaceful resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and wishes of the Kashmiri people for durable peace and stability of the region.

He said India will have to reverse its ongoing human rights violations, extra-judicial killings in fake encounters and so-called search and cordon operations, incarceration of Kashmiri leadership and youth in Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

He said destruction of Kashmiris’ houses, military siege and attempts to change demography of IIOJK need to be immediately reversed.

The Spokesperson also rejected and condemned irresponsible and unwarranted statements by senior Indian leadership. He said the statement demonstrates an inexcusable lack of self-awareness of RSS-BJP regime’s self-serving narrative. He said it is also another manifestation of the Indian government’s incurable obsession with Pakistan.

The Spokesperson also condemned the malicious Indian propaganda against the longstanding, close Pakistan-China friendship.

He said it is preposterous for a country that is compulsively expansionist and a brazen practitioner of state-terrorism, to level charges against others.

Rather than jeopardizing peace and stability of the region, he said, India should seriously consider course correction by giving up its aggressive agenda and peacefully resolving disputes with neighbours.