Chinese President encourages Pakistani students to gain knowledge, understanding of China

Last updated on: 19 May,2020 10:20 am

Xi welcomed outstanding youth from other countries to study in China.

BEIJING (Web Desk) – Chinese President Xi Jinping while replying to a letter from Pakistani students at the University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB), encouraged them to gain knowledge and understanding of China and hold exchanges with young people to enhance the building of a community of a shared future for mankind, Chinese Global Times reported.

Pakistani students who stayed in Beijing received good care and those who returned to Pakistan received personal protective equipment like masks from China, which deeply touched their hearts and prompted their idea of writing a letter to President Xi.

Students wrote the letter and sent it via the university in April to mark friendship of the two countries during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the letter, the students shared the university s assistance in epidemic control and maintaining their studies, their experience of studying and living in China, as well as witnessing fast development of the country.

The students, when reached by the Global Times, said they were excited about receiving a letter of response from President Xi. They stressed that China and Pakistan are real friends sharing weal and woe, and spoke highly of China s epidemic-control efforts and contribution to the world pandemic fight.

This warm interaction came just ahead of the 69th anniversary of diplomatic ties of China and Pakistan, which falls on Thursday.

Learning that the students have enriched their knowledge and made quite a few Chinese friends while studying in China, Xi said he felt happy for the achievements they have made.

Xi said he learned that many foreign students have expressed their support to the Chinese people in various ways during China s fight against COVID-19.

"A friend in need is a friend indeed," he said, adding that China will continue providing various help to all foreign students studying in the country.

Xi welcomed outstanding youth from other countries to study in China. He also encouraged the students to communicate more with their Chinese peers and join hands with youth from all countries to contribute to promoting people-to-people connections and building a community with a shared future for mankind.