Coronavirus: main measures taken in Europe

Last updated on: 13 March,2020 11:59 pm

Italy has told its 60 million population to "stay at home" until April 3

PARIS (AFP) - Quarantine, border controls, schools closed, gatherings banned, here are the main measures being taken in Europe to fight the spread of the novel coronavirus.



Italy has told its 60 million population to "stay at home" until April 3, allowing travel only for the most urgent work or health reasons.

Romania has advised citizens working in Italy against returning home for Easter. Austrians in Italy are to be repatriated and confined.

People returning from the main coronavirus hotspots must stay at home for two weeks in Croatia, Latvia, and Slovakia, along with Moscow.

In Belgium, visits to retirement homes are either banned or strictly limited. In France they are called off in establishments for elderly dependent people.

In Norway, all people returning from abroad will be quarantined and port cities like Bergen and Stavanger have banned people from disembarking from cruise ships.

In the Czech Republic, restaurants are forced to close between 8:00 pm and 06:00 am.


Borders under wraps 

The Czech Republic on Thursday declared a 30-day state of emergency and closed its borders to travellers from risk zones, including France and Germany.

Poland imposed health checks at borders with Germany and the Czech Republic.

Slovakia banned entry to all foreigners, except Poles, from Friday.

Austria has suspended rail links, and almost entirely closed its border with Italy, requiring medical certificates and health checks from people seeking entry.

Slovenia has also set up health vetting measures at the border with Italy.

Albania, Austria, Greece, Hungary, Romania and Spain, along with several airlines, have suspended all air traffic with Italy.


Schools closed 

In Italy, all schools and universities are closed until April 3 and up to March 25 in Greece and Poland. Educational establishments are also closed in Austria, Denmark, Lithuania, Norway, Romania and the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Ukraine.

Other countries have opted for school closures at a local level, including the Madrid region and those in France worst hit by the coronavirus.

Slovakia has closed schools, cultural and leisure establishments.

Greece on Tuesday closed all its nurseries, schools and universities for two weeks.

In Poland educational establishments are to close for two weeks from March 16.

In Ireland all schools are to close from Friday.


Gatherings banned 

Several countries ban gatherings of more than 1,000 people, including Belgium, Denmark, France, Poland, Romania, Switzerland, and the Spanish regions of Catalonia and Madrid.

Some set the bar a lot lower: Austria and Hungary have banned indoor meetings of more than 100 people and those bringing 500 people together outdoors. The Netherlands has banned gatherings of more than 100 people and the Czech Republic of more than 30.

In Bulgaria, cultural and sporting events are limited to 250 people when held indoors, and only one seat in two can be occupied.

In Italy and Cyprus, all public gatherings are prohibited.

In sports, Italy s football league has been suspended, as has the Spanish league for at least two days. French matches are to take place in empty stadiums until April 15.


Public transport 

Rome s second airport, Ciampino, is to close from Friday, while Fiumicino, which handles international flights, is to close one of its three terminals from March 17.

In Slovakia all international airports are closed. Denmark and Russia have recommended avoiding public transport at rush hour.