News report of Ugandan man's mosquito-killing farts is fake

Last updated on: 06 March,2020 06:10 pm

It was claimed he’d been hired by a company to help develop a new, mosquito repellent.

(Web Desk) – The news report regarding a man from Kampala, Uganda claiming that his farts can kill mosquitoes in a 6 meter radius proved false.

The attention-grabbing headline ran on news sites worldwide despite appearing to originate on a fake news site based in Africa.

According to the report, 48-year-old Ugandan man Joe Rwamirama s flatulence protects anyone near him from malaria-carrying mosquitoes, and he s being paid "millions" to turn it into an insect repellent.

It was further claimed he’d been hired by a manufacturing company to help develop a new, mosquito repellent.

The mosquito repellent companies had baeen paying Joe millions to study his farts so they can convert them into a mosquito repellent product. Joe’s good fart can drop all flying insects not bigger than mosquitoes dead within a 6-meter radius.