Pakistan's policy on Kashmir enters decisive point: PM Imran addresses nation

Last updated on: 27 August,2019 02:57 pm

PM Modi has made a historical blunder: Imran Khan

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday said Pakistan s policy on the issue of Occupied Kashmir has enterd a decisive point and the mistake of Indian government will lead to freedom of Kashmir. He said there is no need to disappoint over the reaction of Muslim world on Kashmir issue. He said all Muslim nations will stand by our side in future. PM Imran vowed to continue Kashmir movement till its freedom and to raise Kashmir issue on all fronts.

PM Imran Khan in his address to nation on the issue of Kashmir said a decisive time has arrived to solve Kashmir dispute. He said PTI government took oath to help poor who are suffering and same is the situation in India.

He said peace in the region was our priority and we suggested a non military solution of Afghanistan. He said India was asked to solve disputes through dialogue but India never responded well and we thought it was due to elections in India. Then Pulwama happened in which a Kashmiri blasted himself. He said India tried to accuse Pakistan for the event.

After elections India tried to bankrupt Pakistan in FATF and we realized at that time that Indian agenda is against Pakistan. PM said then on August 5 India violated UNSC resolution and its own constitution by nixing special status of Kashmir. India went against its founding fathers and its courts, he added. The message on August 5 was that India is only for Hindus.

Indian policy is of RSS ideology that is Hindu Raj in the country and hatred against Muslims. PM said RSS thinks its time to teach a lesson to Muslims who ruled over them in past. This ideology follows Hitler. He said Quide e Azam floated the idea of two nations as he was aware of such situation if both nations live together. Babri Masjid incident is example of this Hindu supremecy.

He said our ideology comes from Quran and Sunna and our Prophet (PBUH) signed an agreement with non Muslims and protected rights of non Muslims. He said but RSS follows ideology of oppression on minorities.

History tells that arrogance ruined nations and PM Modi has made a historical blunder. India thinks it will suppress Kashmiris through force and they planned to attack Azad Kashmir. It was a move to divert attention from Kashmir issue but Pakistan internationalized the Kashmir issue by talking to all leaders. He said UNSC session on Kashmir issue was a big diplomatic success.

International media also highlighted the issue. He said Pakistan stands with their Kashmiri brethren at this difficult time.

He said events would be held in educational institutes to keep this issue alive. He said it is responsibility of UN now to solve this outstanding dispute, adding that 1.25 billion Muslims are looking towards UN.The prime minister said he would raise the Kashmir issue during the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on September 27 and meet world leaders in New York.

PM Imran Khan said the nuclear war can have severe consequences for not only this region but for entire world.