Firodus reiterates Pakistan's support to Kashmiri right to self-determination

Last updated on: 04 August,2019 12:02 pm

“India cannot suppress the indigenous movement of Kashmiri people, Firdous said.

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Special Assistant to Prime Minister Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan on Sunday condemned the blatant use of cluster bombs by Indian security forces targeting innocent civilians along the Line of Control. Dr Firdous reiterated Pakistan’s full support for the right of Kashmiri people to self-determination. She said the whole nation stands with our forces and condemns all brutalities of Indian forces in Occupied Kashmir. The special assistant said US President Donald Trump’s offer to mediate Kashmir issue is the victory of Kashmiri people’s narrative of right to self-determination. She said India is clearly violating international laws by attacking civilians and it has proved itself as a big hurdle in the way of peace. “India cannot suppress the indigenous movement of Kashmiri people through brutal use of cluster bombs,” she added. Firdous Ashiq Awan She said Prime Minister Imran Khan’s vision is to establish peace in the region through discussions but India is not even allowing media and human rights organizations in the occupied valley. She said the so called champion of democracy, India is committing human rights violations in the Occupied Kashmir and the extremist mind set of RSS is suppressing the minorities.  She said the political leadership should give a message of unity and solidarity on national issues by rising above personal interests.