Robots make waves in Chinese underwater challenge

Last updated on: 20 May,2019 05:00 pm

Audience members were shown a live feed of robots picking up small hollow boxes, taking them across the pool and dropping them into containers.

TAIJIAN (Reuters) - Underwater robots showed off their skills and abilities at the World Intelligence Underwater Robots Challenge in Tianjin, China.

Teams from universities across China took on entries from the US, Japan and Australia to test their robots  underwater speed, camera abilities and precision work.

"This robot is mainly designed for the education of primary and middle school students," Qu Tianyu from Ocean University of China told Reuters.

"(With these) Kids can assemble their own underwater robots based on their preferences and creativity," Qu added.

Audience members were shown a live feed of robots picking up small hollow boxes, taking them across the pool and dropping them into containers.

"(This contest) will let people understand underwater technology and let them know what role underwater robots can play, by participating in this intelligence underwater contest. So that they can promote the development of the industry and gather the industry in Tianjin," said chairman of the World Intelligence Underwater Robots Challenge Executive Committee, Wei Jiancang.

The challenge formed part of the World Intelligence Congress which includes the World Intelligence Driving Challenge and a robot game of football.

The underwater contest was won by a team from China s National University of Defense Technology.