India planned to target Karachi, Bahawalpur: Govt sources

Last updated on: 05 March,2019 10:26 am

India had been repeatedly warned of taking such steps at every forum.

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Pakistan had prior intelligence about joint India-Israel plan to attack Pakistan, sources in the government told Dunya News.

According to the government sources, India had been repeatedly warned of taking such steps at every forum and Pakistan continued its efforts for peace at every level and also warned of retaliation in case of any attack.

Sources further said that Islamabad is apprising the international community of India-Pakistan tensions.

“There was no direct contact between Indian and Pakistani government but the New Delhi had been informed Pakistan’s armed forces would retaliate any attack,” sources said.

“India and Israel had planned to target Karachi and Bahawalpur in a joint attack, however, Pakistan had prior intelligence reports about the attack.”

The government sources further said that strategy was being devised to de-weaponise the anti-state elements. Pakistan’s soil wouldn’t be allowed to use to launch attack against any other country and the National Action Plan (NAP) would be implemented in letter and spirit.

On February 26, Indian warplanes itruded in Pakistani airspace inside Balakot and New Delhi claimed of killing of a "large number" of militants, including commanders, and had avoided civilian casualties on what New Delhi alleged were militant camps. Islamabad denied any such camps existed. On Wednesday, Pakistan retaliated with its own aerial mission.

ISPR Director General Major General Asif Ghafoor said the strikes caused no casualties. He tweeted that Pakistani jets were scrambled and forced the Indian planes to make a "hasty withdrawal", dropping their payload in an open area.


He said Indian aircrafts intruded from Muzafarabad sector. Facing timely and effective response from Pakistan Air Force released payload in haste while escaping which fell near Balakot. No casualties or damage.

PAF downs two Indian fighter jets

On February 27, in a response to Indian Line of Control (LoC) violation, Pakistan Air Force (PAF) had destroyed two Indian fighter jets. The wreckage of one aircraft fell in Central Kashmir’s Budgam while the other’s in Pakistan territory. Two of the pilots have been killed in the incident.

The ISPR Director General said that Pakistan Air Force engaged six targets from across the Line of Control in Occupied Kashmir.

He said Pak armed forces have capability, will, resolve, people backing and all resources. But being a responsible state, we decided that we will not aim any military target. We also wanted to ensure that no human loss or collateral damage is done during our engaging the targets.

Captured pilot handed over to India

The pilot shot down in a dogfight with Pakistani aircraft returned to India on Friday, after being freed in what Islamabad called a "peace gesture" following the two countries’ biggest standoff in years.

Wing Commander Abhinandan, downed on Wednesday over Azad Kashmir, crossed into India at the Wagah crossing point, hours later than expected.

Matters escalated alarmingly after a massive suicide bombing killed 40 Indian troops on February 14. Twelve days later Indian warplanes launched a strike inside Pakistani territory, claiming to have hit a militant camp. An infuriated Islamabad denied casualties or damage, but a day later launched its own incursion across the LoC.

That sparked the dogfight which ended as Pakistan shot Indian aircrafts and captured Abhinandan.

Prime Minister Imran Khan unexpectedly announced Thursday that he would be released in the first sign of a potential thaw.

Khan alluded to the catastrophic consequences of nuclear war and called for talks -- even as he warned India should not take the announcement as a sign of weakness.

PAF fulfilled nation s expectations, says Air Chief Mujahid Anwar

Chief of the Air Staff Air Chief Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan visited the Forward Operating Base and said the nation is proud of Pakistan Air Force (PAF) who fulfilled its expectations.

The air chief thanked the Almighty for the wonderful success against India and affirmed that PAF is always ready to retaliate against any aggression. He praised the professional capabilities of all officials and said the difficult time is not over yet.

Let it be known that Pakistan Air Force had downed two Indian fighter jets and arrested one pilot. The news was shared by Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Director General (DG) Major General Asif Ghafoor.

Giving details in a press conference, the DG ISPR said Pakistan Air Force engaged six targets from across the Line of Control in Occupied Kashmir. “Two aircraft of Indian Air Force violated LoC and entered into Pakistani territory. PAF engaged them and both of these were shot down, with debris of one falling inside Pakistan’s territory and the other in Indian Occupied Kashmir,” he told.