New York honours Pakistani American as 9/11 hero by naming street after him

Dunya News

Salman Hamdani was mistaken as one of the terrorist suspects until 2002.

(Web Desk) – New York City (NYC) community and elected officials came together to honour New York Police Department (NYPD) cadet of Pakistani origin Mohammad Salman Hamdani’s sacrifice while attempting to rescue 9/11 victims. Officials and community members formally renamed the 204 Street at 35th Avenue to “Salman Hamdani Way”.
However, the honour was claimed after the years-long struggle of Salman’s mother Talat Hamdani and friends.
While talking to press, Salman’s mother recalls what a horror it was to discover some sources within the NYPD accused Salman of involvement in the terror attack. However, the later developments cleared his name up as he received full police honour at his burial and cadet honour at first anniversary of 9/11 attacks.
The later developments would see what was referred to as ‘injustice’ by Salman’s family and friends was that Salman’s name was not present in NYPD’s official list of first respondents of the attack. Much to Salman’s mother’s disappointment, his name was mentioned in another list that had no connection to respondents to the World Trade Center (WTC) attack.
Reportedly, Salman’s mother was not aware of this development until in 2009 when she received official 9/11 National Memorial package. She recalls in an interview to press how “it was a shock”.
Upon calling the memorial organizers, she was told Salman was on another list because his name was not at the memorial erected years ago to honour the first responders.
Reportedly, Salman’s brothers knew about this error but hid this from their mother fearing her heart would break.
Salman’s mother had actively campaigned, since then, writing to politicians and the president Barak Obama. She worked with campaigners and lobbyists until all the efforts paid off by the end of April this year and Salman was officially honoured with street named after him.
Talking to a paper she expressed joy in the following words “The street dedication in Salman’s name instilled a euphoric feeling of victory; joy in achieving my son's sacrifice acknowledged. My soul is calm.”
Salman’s body parts were found five months after the 9/11 attack at Ground Zero along with his medical kit. It was later established that Salman was on his way to his research technician work at Rockefeller University when volunteer to respond to the emergency needs upon witnessing the worst terrorist attack of America.